Saturday September 11th / 10h00 / Auditorio do Pazo da Cultura de Carballo
Carballo Interplay wants to focus at this time on social and political contents, on self questioning, on the usefulness of the internet as a tool for advocacy and as a weapon to help improve the world (something we still trust). That’s why we will dedicate saturday’s morning to listening to people whom we think they use online possibilities for showing other realities or making the network a better place either from the exposure or the breakdown of information, political or editorial content, sisterhood network creation, illustration or humor.
Panel 1 | Net Activism: Proyecto UNA, Laura Tabarés and Cuellilargo
The internet, a place where everyone can participate, is also for toxic behaviors, which have always existed, but now they have algorithms that multiply their reach in a weakened and easily overwhelmed society. The network stopped being a space of utopias some time ago, to host some dystopias with harmful consequences in the “real world”. In a space headed by clicks, likes and continuous overexposure, is there some space for dissident discourses? How can we fight hate speeches? Which are the keys for generating safety spaces?

Cuellilargo: Pol Andiñach
Cuellilargo defines itself as “a collective of journalists who try to explain the world in a clear, critical and direct way, always facing the means of power. We aren’t financed by any big Bank or business, so we can be fully independent on the information we give, our points of view and opinions”. They are accompanied by Pol Andiñach, coordinator of Cuellilargo and writer of the book “Todo el mundo puede ser antifa. Manual práctico para destruir el fascismo” (2021).

Laura Tabarés
Ontologías Feministas it’s a cultural production collective specialized in virtuality and educational programs with a feminist perspective. It’s formed by Blanca Martínez, Elena Castro Córdoba and Laura Tabarés, who also manages @lapicarajustina. Laura, who will be the one who will accompany us at Carballo Interplay, goes through her practice talking about violence, humor, affections and exhaustion.

Proyecto Una
Proyecto Una is a millennial collective whose task is to unmask the new forms of fascism that are hidden under apparently harmless symbols, also recognize and give value to feminist alliances forged by the heat of the pixels. They investigate the cultural wars of power in the media, the Internet and analog reality. They are willing to laugh out loud from the barricade, because their lives are in that.
Panel 2 | Humor, generational precariousness and illustration: Monstruo Espagueti, La Prados e Roberta Vázquez
While the world is trying to overcome a global pandemic and its consequences, the digital sphere has grown so much that it occupies the center of much of our life, from social relationships to culture or entertainment: a 360º. In the network, a mostly female generation floods our devices with their illustrations, focusing on generational precariousness or labor conditions, and portraying our world with a class and gender perspective. They are sarcastic, funny and with their humor they make us all carry better “what’s coming”.
What will be discussed at this meeting? In this meeting we will discuss about commissioned works, of the struggle to defend our own ideals, and about precariousness (or not) of creative jobs, of haters, “señoros” and humor… And just to get started!

Monstruo Espagueti
Anastasia Bengoechea, also known as @monstruoespagueti, is a cartoonist, comic and creative. Her third book was published in 2021. She actually works in media such as Vogue or El País, and with brands as Bombay, Nike, Oatly, etc. She is a comedian in Carne Cruda and has a weekly podcast @gente2020_.

La Prados
La Prados, less known as Violeta Navas Ortega (1944), is an illustrator, humorist and Sagittarius the rest of the day. She defines what she does as “seedy humor for smart people”. An irregular line and a clear message that addresses from the most banal topics, like C.Tangana’s last single, to the most social and current ones, always from an ironic and humorous point of view. On stage she invites you to laugh at yourself through the most surreal anecdotes of your life, with which she expects the public to identify with (or hopefully they don’t).

Roberta Vázquez
Roberta Vázquez studied Art in Pontevedra and lives and works as a freelance in Barcelona publishing her comics in the magazines Revista Cactus and Cáñamo. She also collaborated with media such as Vice, Glamour, El País, El Jueves, Marie Claire or Revista Líbero. In 2019 she published her first book “¡Socorro!” with Apa Apa editorial, and currently, she’s working on her first comic for children, with the editorial Blackie Books.