Thursday September 9th / 13h30 / Pazo da Cultura de Carballo

With: Sonia Mendez (Angélica y Roberta), Irene Pin (Amnesia 3.0), Javi Camino (El viudo quiere mimos), Óscar Cruz (colectivo Porco Bravú). Conduced by: Lucía Estévez

With web series as the protagonists, the Coffee with CREA of this year tries to be a meeting between different professionals in order to bring near positions around the format situation in Galicia. A debate is opened for all audiences about the meaning at a personal and professional level of fundamental projects in the field of web series in Galicia, hand to hand with their main creators. 

With the evolution of the new technologies and the fast growth of the platforms, what happens with web series nowadays? We will also reflect about this with web series creators such as Sandra Lesta, David Hidalgo, Jorge Boquete, Miguel Canalejo or Pedro Brandariz.