Join us to create a Dinosaur!
This is not a class… It’s a kamikaze audiovisual experience.
Three days of creativity working as a team with professionals from the audiovisual world. The participants will face the challenge of ideate, record and produce Dinosaur’s serie chapters. The resulting ones will be released in the opening of the VIII festival’s edition.
The places will be assigned after a selection process. You don’t need to be a professional to participate, you only need wanting to live an audiovisual adventure. The pre-enroll process closes on August 16. Once pre-registered, the festival will contact you to indicate the payment method in order to formalize your place.
August 30 – 31 and September 1.
12 places aviable.
Times: from 10 am to 8 pm with lunch break.
Place: Salón de Actos del Pazo de Cultura de Carballo
Price: 150 euros (including the three-day meals)
Accommodation not included. In case you want to stay in Carballo, the festival can offer you the necessary information.
No technical material will be provided.

Film director born in Santiago de Compostela in 1973, Zarauza began his film career in 1994 shooting several short films and coordinating professional workshops throughout Europe for the Media Business School. In Madrid, together with Cuban producer Harold Sánchez, he founded the production company Iroko Films, holding the position of project development director until 2008. In 2004 he wrote his first film “A ilha da morte”, awarded as best feature film script at the Trieste festival. In 2012, he directed two films: Encallados and Os Fenómenos and he is currently working in the post-production process of “Ons”, his fifth feature film.

Antón Varela (A Coruña, 1992) has a degree in Audiovisual Communication at the UDC Univeristy and ¡a Master’s Degree in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies by the Pompeu Fabra University. His field of work is animation, his language the appropriation and collage, and the raw material he uses are clippings of images that he finds all over the place. The result is “Orfanato Atroz”, which won the award to the best web series at Carballo Interplay 2016. Recently he has produced for Vinte a five chapters series titled “Os 20 do XX”, a journey through the history of Galicia without abandoning his personal style.

Graduated in Audiovisual Communication by the University of A Coruña and Senior Technician in Lighting, Capture and Image Treatment by the Escola de Imaxe e Son de A Coruña, she began her career in the audiovisual field in 2015. Over the past 4 years, she has been part of the camera team in productions such as Serramoura, Urxencia Cero, Viradeira or A Estiba among others, and participates as an editing assistant for the show Latexos da Cidade. At the same time, she works as a freelance photographer and videographer, both for individuals and for companies, also undertaking her own projects such as the direction of the videoclip “No te pires nena” by rock band Superser. Recently she has participated in the filming of the webseries Xan (Carballo Interplay Project Award 2019) as a camera assistant and director of its making of.

Leticia T. Blanco (Negreira, 1991) has a degree in Photography Direction from Cinema School Bande à Part (Barcelona) and she specialized in Color Correction for audiovisual products in the Cinema and TV School of San Antonio de los Baños (Cuba). She develops her professional career between photography and post production, being responsible of color correction of short films such as “Matria”, “A Nena Azul”, “O Que Crece Por Dentro”, “Somos Cárcere”, “Dorothé Na Vila” documentary or “Xan” web serie. At the same time, she is part of the camera team in productions such as “¿Qué hicimos mal?”. In the last two years, she also is part of the “Curva España” show of Grupo Chevere, in which she carries out the TV production. Currently she is in various personal photography projects and in post production at the same time.

He took his first steps in London, where he worked as camera assistant and HD technician. His dream of making documentaries led him to set up several international documentary production companies in Camboya, Mozambique and Spain, while he continued working as photography director in several documentary productions, not only for reference international channels (BBC, National Geographic y Deustsche Well), but also for independent filmmakers, whose documentaries are exhibited in digital platforms such as Netflix or Amazon Prime. He is currently collaborating on the Amazon Prime documentary series: “GEO: más allá del límite”.

Director de webseries (“El viudo quiere mimos”), series de televisión (“Casa Manola”), documentales (“Nación de muchachos: utopía o muerte”), programas de cocina (“O sal da terra”), videoclips, cortometrajes y un largometraje de serie Z (“¡Maldito Bastardo!”). También trabajó como editor en diversos proyectos televisivos (“Escapárate”, “Imos de feira”). Cinéfago compulsivo y periodista cultural en los ratos libres. Colaboró escribiendo en medios como Vice, Tentaciones (El País), Elemmental, Notodo… En octubre estrenará “Jacinto”, su primer largometraje de ficción profesional.
Director of webseries (“El viudo quiere mimos”), television series (“Casa Manola”), documentaries (“Nación de muchachos: utopía o muerte”), cooking shows (“O sal da terra”), video clips, short films and a Z class feature film (“¡Maldito Bastardo!”). He also worked as an editor on various television projects (“Escapárate”, “Imos de feira”). Compulsive cinephile and cultural journalist in his spare time. He collaborated writing in media such as Vice, Tentaciones (El País), Elemmental, Notodo… In October he will premiere “Jacinto”, his first professional fiction feature film.