Thursday 9 September from 5pm to 8 pm.
Pazo da Cultura de Carballo
20 places / 20 €
Digital content creation. How to communicate to Generations Y and Z?
In an online environment that sometimes falls into saturation, intoxication and the constant birth of new communication channels, ¿how can we spread our message to the newest generations? If something defines the way in which Generations Y and Z move on the internet is the positioning in front of social issues in an active and creative way, as a part of this internet in which we believe to change the world. But, do we know anything else about those millennials and centennials we want to communicate with? Which are their main personality traits? Which is the most efficient way to connect with them through messages and content?
In the first part of the workshop, the theory and the technical ingredients will be put on the table in order to, in a second part, to be able to turn ideas into concrete contents and formats by putting into practice the explained variables.
It’s recommended that participants bring a laptop or any other kind of support on which to write.
You can sign up until August 23rd.
From a 100% digital media like Freeda, which creates content designed to be consumed on social media, they explore everyday the keys of online communication as content creators. Freeda’s editorial line remains on a mission and values, but also integrates continuous trends of society represented in the newest audience, millennials and Z generation. They currently have a 3 million followers community in Spain.

Raquel García Trigueros (Marketing and contents director).
Raquel has more than 20 years experience in mass media. She has a degree in Sociology, MBA in TV companies, 18 years of experience in different private TV companies (Antena3, Mediaset, Cuatro, Digital+ and Publiespaña), with various roles in content marketing, editorial programming, marketing in support of commercial sales, strategic development of the TV and its digitization.
“My main learning in Freeda is to accept that we are immersed in a continuous evolution and we have to be able to change in movement. Or you open your mind and struggle to adapt on the fly, or it will be very difficult as a professional to survive with so much disruption. Nothing that works today has to ensure the future success, we continually work from dynamism, open-mindedness and the ability to adapt”.

Clara Amechazurra Falagán (Contents director)
Feminist and journalist, in that order. Clara has developed almost every part of her career in TV, in media such as Cuatro, Televisión Española and Mediapro, although she also has been in written media and digital. She has found in Freeda the space where she can give voice to all those women and collectives that we generally don’t see represented, but which are far from being a minority. She believes in accessible journalism, and always from a gender and intersectional perspective.