Friday September 10th.
Pazo da Cultura de Carballo. Salón de actos.
Accreditation application now closed.
Accreditations will be assigned in order of registration.
The number of places to attend will depend on the capacity allowed according to the COVID protocols at that time.
10h00 Accreditations check-in
10h30 Panel. “The shift to current content. Debate and social awareness”: with Freeda, Canal 180 and Playz.
Fiction is usually the big bet when making digital content, but newer audiences such as millennials and Z generation are increasingly demanding other types of content: dissemination content, around culture, politics, mental health or social and environmental problems. Which are the trends in these kinds of formats? Are there any spaces for less conventional discourses? Which are the keys when producing and distributing them?

Freeda: Clara Amechazurra Falagán (content director at Freeda España).
Freeda is a digital media focused on female audiences. Its content, designed from the beginning to be consumed on the mobile phone, tries to promote women’s achievements, sisterhood and inspire their personal style. Freeda’s success is based on a combination of factors: creativity as the main one, constant innovation and the form in which they relate with their followers, millennials and centennials. They have a community with 3 million followers on social media in Spain.

Canal 180
Canal 180 is a TV channel completely dedicated to culture, arts and creativity. Following an artistic agenda in constant change, they broadcast innovative content created by a new generation of artists. Also they exclusively produce and commision projects from all over the world. Now, ten years after the beginning of their TV broadcasting, Canal 180 reinvents itself with an important collaboration with the international digital art platform The Wrong, resulting in an entirely new TV programming.

Playz: Irene Mahía (coordinadora de actualidade de Playz – RTVE)
Four years after its launch, Playz established itself as a benchmark channel for the new audience thanks to programs that talk about their problems, giving them their own voice, such as Gen Playz; and fiction that goes from entertainment to social reality that they have to face every day, for instance: “Grasa”, “Drama” or “Riders”. Furthermore, RTVE is currently working on the launching of RTVE Play platform, which will include lineal channel content and Playz’s ones, with quality original content for an adult audience who has turned away from TV.
11h30 Panel. “Digital contents and innovation. What do public stations focus on?”: with RTP Lab and Televisión de Galicia.
Public media currently use technology and follow global trends in order to improve users’ experiences during the information, entertainment and content consumption. What is being done in Galicia and Portugal? Which is the digital strategy of the public channels? Is the birth of new spaces possible to integrate the work of new creators?

RTP: Rogério Gomes (project manager at RTP Lab)
Rádio y Televisão de Portugal (RTP), as a public service, tries to promote creativity and innovation. That is why, in a pioneering way, they created RTP Lab, which is an experimental and creative laboratory with new forms of content production, designed in a multiplatform logic. In this way, they opened a call for the entire public looking for fiction and humor content that uses new forms of narratives in an entirely digital environment.

Televisión de Galicia: José Pereira (CRTVG Business and Innovation director)
The current projects of CRTVG in digital transformation process focus, on the one hand, in the use of new Data Lake, that ingests information on more than 1.500 items daily and that allows us to make better informed decisions; and on the other hand, in the creation of two digital platforms (one of them about information, and the other one about entertainment) that improve users experience with Galician public media. They also continue with the strategy setted two years ago, reinforcing the formative role of CRTVG, with projects as Petisgo!, a specific interactive content platform created for youth, that will be available the first semester of 2022, and with already consolidated projects such as Dígochoeu!
12h30 Presentation of Portugal producers and digital creators
We will meet the different producers and digital content creators invited to Carballo Interplay, with the collaboration of Galician Audiovisual Cluster, through the Galicia Exporta Intermediate Organisms Program financed by Igape, Xunta de Galicia and UE.. With the participation of Promenade, Galo Bravo, PiXbee, MT 360 / ManyTakes, Wonder Maria Films, Ankylosaur, Todos.
17h00 AGADIC. A new way for web series production.
One of the main ways of supporting the public cultural sector of Galicia is materialized through the annual grants program of Axencia Galega das Industrias Culturais, that has as a priority to enhance the creation, production and distribution of Galician cultural products. In 2021, for the first time in history, AGADIC includes in their aids a grants line for web series projects in Galician original version. The director of audiovisual politics of AGADIC, Dolores Meijomín, will be with us to explain it.
17h30 – 19h30 Pro Meeting
Free inscription period open until August 16. If you have a project and you want to enroll in “Meeting Pro” for having a meeting with any of the invited producers, you just have to fill the form:
At Interplay we want to improve the connection between creators and producers by opening dialog spaces where we can get to know each other and build future alliances or see new projects born. In this meeting will participate Galician and Portuguese producers and also creators who have a project and who are looking for feedback or production. With the collaboration of the Galician Audiovisual Cluster, by the Galicia Exporta Intermediate Organisms Program financed by Igape, Xunta de Galicia and EU.
Participating: RTP Lab, CRTVG, Playz (RTVE), Freeda, Gaita Filmes, Abano Producións, Miramemira, Maruxiña Film Company, Cósmica Producións, Portocabo, VOZ Audiovisual, Promenade, Galo Bravo, PiXbee, ManyTakes, Ankylosaur, Sétima Media…