I’m CéS, I’m 20 years old and I’m from a small village near Carballo. I’m a content creator in Galician, model, DJ and photographer (a brat, really). I really like the world of fashion and pop culture. I studied photography and that’s where I started with modeling, posing for my classmates for class assignments.
One day, in the summer of 2020, while I was confined in my room, I decided to upload a pack of clothes I had bought to Tiktok, it went viral and I kept uploading videos, people already recognized me in the street and such (very shocking). And as a DJ, I started off at the beginning of this year and it’s a world that I also like a lot, because I love music (and partying).

I’m Xacobe Bruña Alonso, I’m 17 years old and I am from Lugo. ‘m a dancer, photographer, actor and filmmaker, member of the theater company ‘Os Palimoquiños de Lugo’. I’m currently doing my last year at the Professional Dance Conservatory in Lugo, in the specialties of classical and contemporary dance. I am also the Winner of the National Audiovisual Contest ‘Participa Meliés’ 2022 in Junior category. I’ve lately been part of the cast of ‘As Neves’, directed by Sonia Méndez. I like cinema.

Xulia Lomba (she/her) is a journalist in the Audiovisual Extension Department of CRTVG (Galician TV). With studies also in Law and Advertising, she is specialized in digital content creation and strategy. She has chronic ‘titulitis’ (the uncontrollable need of getting more and more degrees and diplomas), inherited by today’s society.
Co-creator of ACousa, a digital magazine, with the financial support of the Nacho Mirás award of the Professional Association of Journalists of Galicia and the help of the labor of her great friends and colleagues. Among her future prospects, she confirms that she no longer wants to be a cool chick, because the term is already mainstream, she is currently in search of becoming a #BimbayLolized chick.