Zona Pro. Friday, 31 March

Pazo da Cultura de Carballo. Salón de actos

Request your free accreditation until March 28th.

10h30 Accreditation collection

11h00 Panel. “From podcast to show”. With Marta Salicrú (RPS), Etiqueta Negra, Tomás Fuentes (Lana Ruina), Alba Riera (DENTRO)

The podcasts consumption grew and continues to grow in Spain, being one of the world’s main markets for virtual listened content. If in the last edition of Carballo Interplay the podcast was at the center of the debate, in this edition we go a step further to focus on its evolution: the podcast turned into a live show. That’s why we will bring together some of the main agencies, promoters and managers of these formats with an audience, and also talents who will bring their personal experience from the other side. What does a podcast need for the audience to want to watch it live and interact with its hosts? What are the keys to move on from one format to another? What happened to make this kind of ‘Internet outside the Internet’ happen? These, and more , will be some of the questions answered.

Radio Primavera Sound

With the assitance of: Marta Salicrú (director of Radio Primavera Sound)

Radio Primavera Sound is the online radio of Primavera Sound and gathers all the musical sensibilities that fit in the festival. But it is much more than that. Broadcasting audio and video since 2019, RPS is produces music, culture, humor and journalism podcasts, with an emphasis on feminist and LGTBIQ+ content, that seeks to open its microphones to new informed voices, and to diverse and dissident content, with rigor and a sense of humor. One of its main current assets: the radio show.

Etiqueta Negra

Etiqueta Negra, based in Galicia, offers a comprehensive management of the artists they work with. They have experience in the field of booking, production and festivals, being one of the market leaders in booking in the events sector. In their portfolio, there are several radio formats that jumped to the show, such as ‘Buenismo bien’ (Quique Peinado, Manuel Burke and Henar Álvarez), ‘Saldremos mejores’ (Nerea Pérez de lanas Heras and Inés Hernand), or ‘Lana Ruina’ (Ignasi Taltavull and Tomàs Fuentes). They are currently producing the EMHU (Encuentro Mundial de Humorismo), that takes place in A Coruña.

Tomás Fuentes (La Ruina)

Tomás Fuentes is a scriptwriter and comedian. He currently co-presents the podcast ‘Lana Ruina’ with Ignasi Taltavull, directs programs, collaborates in different media, and he also does stand up whenever he can. He also organizes Cruïlla Comedy, the most important comedy festival in Spain.

Alba Riera (DENTRO)

Communicator and cultural journalist. She is currently part of the team of El Colapso, of TV3, collaborates in Él Suplemento de Catalunya Ràdio (in a section she shares with Andreu Juanola), presents the podcast ‘Dentro’, of Radio Primavera Sound with Iñaki Mur, takes part in ‘Tardeo’ (of Andrea Filos) with a section called ‘FOMO’, also of Radio Primavera Sound, and has collaborated in Playground, as a host and as a reporter. Besides that, she moderates cultural talks.

12h00 Panel. “Novos xeitos de habitar a rede” With ACOUSA, Erika Irusta (COMUNIDAD S1S4), Noelia Ramírez (SModa Newsletter)

It may seem that ‘everything is on the Internet or has already been invented’, but it is not always that way. Sometimes we, by ourselves, have to create what we want to consume. In this panel, we will focus on the new ways of telling and inhabiting the network that was born in recent years: from a media created by and aimed at Generation Z, entirely in Galician; a private social network based on care and exclusively for women, trans and NB that has a waiting list of more than 1,500 people; to the addictive test of a newsletter focused on pop culture that every two weeks sets a trend in the digital conversation.

ACOUSA is a project that was born in 2021 with the purpose of becoming an online magazine aimed at the Galician Z and millennial generations. They talk about fashion, society, makeup, politics, technology, sexuality and any other topic that concerns the Galician youth from a feminist, intergender and apolitical perspective.

Erika Irusta (one of Comunidad S1S4 founders)

Apart from being a social network of care, S1S4 Community is a platform for the production of knowledge. Here, you will find regular content created by high-level collaborators, as well as debates and reflections on issues that affect you. The S1S4 Community is aimed at women, trans and NB. Post content in all formats (text, image, video and audio) and connect with like-minded users, publicly or privately. ‘Be part of communities and build your own’.

Noelia Ramírez (responsable de Lo raro es vivir, a SModa newsletter)

With the desire to get back the spirit of the feminist blogosphere that educated us sentimentally, each issue of ‘Lo raro es vivir’ (Notes on culture, feminism and intimacy) includes a first-person essay with a mixture of psychoanalysis, sociology and pop culture references around a concept, as well as a personal selection with reading recommendations on the best seen in the digital conversation during the last weeks. In addition, each and every letter is illustrated with collages by the always great and talented Ana Regina García, head of design at S Moda.

13h00 Panel. “Unha década despois, como comunican as canles públicas?” Con CRTVG e RTVE lab

In these 10 years of Carballo Interplay, the network world changed quickly. We saw the birth of new social networks, participated in them and also attended their funerals. In this panel, different representatives of the country’s public channels will take a look at how their way of communicating with the public changed in the last decade to become what it is today, telling us how ‘the future became present’.


CRTVG broadcasts 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, through DTT channels in HD, satellite channels for Europe and America and four of the Galician Radio. In addition, there are other digital channels, such as the crtvg.gal portal, the @G24Noticias channel and several thematic channels in IP support, such as enserie.gal, vivea.gal or pasouoquepasou, the online archive of the public media.

The Corporation promotes technological innovation in the field of digital content and thematic channels, in order to consolidate its position as the audiovisual media of reference for Galician citizens. Likewise, it is the Spanish regional media that invests the most in its regional audiovisual sector in terms of cinema and television series, according to annual data from the CNMC, placing its products and the Galician language in the main streaming platforms in the world. 

Juan Manuel Cuéllar (Audiovisual Innovation Laboratory of RTVE)

The Audiovisual Innovation Laboratory of RTVE is dedicated to explore, research, develop, test and fix narrative formulas, workflows, the innovative treatment of topics; unprecedented or not.

It is a team which depends on the Innovation area which tries to set precedents or to export tools and certainties to other areas and departments of the Corporación RTVE which can devote time to these tasks. The RTVE Lab is made up by 14 people distributed in four departments: Contents, Realization, Web Design and Web Development. These departments are synchronized with precision and a lot of previous study to create a wide variety of projects, mainly interactive oriented to mobile devices, but also linear documentaries, sound narratives, web textual, etc.

16:00 to 17:00. NETWORKING. One-on-one meetings.
At Interplay we want to foster the connection between creators, talents, professionals and producers, opening spaces for dialogue where we can get to know each other in a relaxed way and build future alliances or see new projects being born. The guests of the festival as well as creators who are looking for feedback on specific projects or simply a guide for future projects will participate in this meeting. The meetings will have ten minutes and to participate you must fill out the accreditation form indicating that you want to attend the networking.


Marta Salicrú (Radio Primavera Sound director)
Etiqueta Negra: Tomás Fuentes (guionista, cómico e cocreador de La Ruina)
Alba Riera (DENTRO co-conductor)
ACOUSA foundators
Erika Irusta (S1S4 community)
Noelia Ramírez (SModa’s newsletter ‘Lo raro es vivir’)
Juan Manuel Cuéllar (laboratorio de innovación audiovisual de RTVE lab)
Alberto Fernández (director de contidos de PLAYZ)