Saturday April 6th

Mercado de Carballo


This is the definitive podcast of lesbians talking about lesbians made by lesbians on Radio Primavera Sound. Presented by Laura Terciado and Bake Gómez, Sappho of Mytilene is their shepherd, they lack nothing. Arco Iris recognition from the Ministry of Equality 2023 to outstanding people in the visibility, support and defense of the rights of LGTBI people.

Terci (Laura Terciado) is a journalist, Social Media Creative and co-creator and host of the lesbo-feminist podcast ‘Maldito Bollodrama’. She combines the podcast with her work as Content Creator at Movistar Plus+, the dissemination on social networks and the collaborations with El Salt.

Bake Gómez is a journalist, audiovisual communicator and 50% of Maldito Bollodrama.